5 Tips on Eloping in Gatlinburg

Elopement in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Today, I'm going to give you five tips on eloping in Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is a very popular place for eloping, but there are some tricks you need to know to make the day go smoothly!

#1 Check Your Locations

So tip number one, make sure that wherever you're planning on eloping is a location that can be used according to the National Park Service. You can go onto their website and they have a list of locations that are eligible to be used for elopements and weddings. Follow this link here for a list of locations available to use.

#2 What Day Should You Get Married?

My second tip is make sure that you think about what day you're going to be eloping. Gatlinburg gets really busy just about all times of year. I definitely recommend a week day over a weekend. Be sure to think about this because of photo locations and even traffic! 

#3 Don’t Let Traffic Ruin Your Day

Tip number three. If you are going to multiple places on your wedding day, make sure you leave extra time because the roads have twists and turns and sometimes you get stuck behind some slow traffic. Leaving extra time is crucial when it comes to navigating these roads!

#4 Sunlight is Important

Number four. Make sure you talk to your photographer about the time of day of your ceremony because we are in the mountains. The sun tends to set behind the mountains and clouds, causing it to get darker faster than in other areas.

#5 Actually Get Married!

Tip number five, and the last tip. Make sure that you have a certified officiant for your wedding. Tennessee is one of the states where you cannot get certified online. You have to be an ordained minister. So be sure that when you're planning your elopement or your wedding that you find somebody who can officially marry you. You wouldn’t want to travel for a wedding and not be able to make it official!

Don’t forget to also follow along on YouTube for more tips here!