10 Best Unity Ceremony Ideas to Make your Nashville Wedding Special

Unity Ceremony Ideas for a Nashville Wedding

A Unity Ceremony incorporates great symbolic wedding rituals that not only gives your wedding ceremony a bit of showmanship, but also strengthens the symbol of your love. While they may be optional, having them may just make your wedding feel a little more special. Here are 10 of the most romantic and classic choices for a unity ceremony.

10 Unity Ceremony Ideas for an Extra-Special Wedding

ONE: Love Lock

Locks are a symbol of security, which is something that is very important in a marriage. To make your partner feel safe and secure is on the list of top priorities as a married couple. This unity ceremony takes that idea by linking two locks together with the couple’s names on them. They can either be intertwined together as is or locked together on a box lock. 

TWO: Sand Ceremony

This is when the couple pours sand from two separate vessels into one vessel symbolizing the unity between them. Sand is inseparable when combined, which solidifies the idea of togetherness in a marriage. This would be great to do in a beach wedding to stay on theme. You can even use colored sand just to mix it up.


THREE: Celtic Handfasting

This is a tradition that has been passed on for years in weddings in Scotland. It is a basic practice when you say your vows as your hands are intertwined and secured with a braid. 

FOUR: Wine Box Letters

Ever heard of a time capsule? This is somewhat similar to that. The happy couple write each other love letters from the ceremony up to anniversaries or any special occasion and store them in a wine box as a reminder of their love for each other. This starts on the wedding day, when couples put their wedding vows first.

FIVE: Braiding of the Cross

A marriage built on faith would find this unity ceremony charming and reaffirming. This is when the couple braids twine and attach it to the cross to secure their vows under holy matrimony. Couples can also cite verses from the Bible that they want to highlight in their marriage. 

SIX: Blending Paint

Following the concept of the sand ceremony, blending paint shows a unity that is inseparable. If you are a creative and artistic couple, you could create some great on-the-spot art that you can keep as a ceremony memento.

SEVEN: Tree Planting

This great unity ceremony practice that is both valuable to you and mother nature. Trees symbolize life itself. Planting one together with your future spouse shows how you are bringing in a new life together as a married couple. It’s something that you can visit to see how it’s growing, such as you are both growing as a married couple. Plus, the world could use more trees. 

EIGHT: Candle Lighting

Candles have been used in many ceremonies to symbolize life and warmth. In weddings, candle lighting is a symbol for a growing love that is passionate and warm, passing the fire from one candle to another. 

NINE: Unity Cross

Much like a puzzle, the couple reassemble a cross as a sign of coming together under the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is similar to the braiding of the cross, it is a matter of preference. 

TEN: Passing of the Rings

This unity ceremony involves all the people in your life who you want to bless the marriage. Rings are passed around to guests as a sign of approval to your marriage. While a marriage is a unity between you two, having the blessing from the people who mean the most to you in your life makes the marriage all the more valuable.

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