Details to Have Ready for Your Photographer on Your Wedding Day
Today I wanted to talk about what details that brides need to have ready and with them on their wedding day. The morning of your wedding is always so hectic, and by the time the photographer's arrive, you are usually already getting your hair and makeup done. You're usually in the chair. And we never want to interrupt that, that process from happening. So we want you guys to put your all of these items together, either in a bag or in a box for for us to photograph as soon as you get there.
Part of the reason we like to photograph details is because you guys have spent a lot of time and energy thinking about these little details and we want to make sure that they are photographed because you did spend the time on them. They obviously mean something to you and so we want to make sure they're documented as well.
So here's the list of all of the details to have with you on your wedding day:
Engagement Ring
Wedding Band
Groom’s Wedding Band
Invitation Suite
Family Heirlooms
Vow Books
Those are like the main things that you guys want to make sure that you have with you for your wedding day. Put everything in a box or bag so it is easily accessible for a bridesmaid to grab while you are in the hair and makeup chair!