Man’s Best Friend | Ways To Include Your Dog In Your Nashville Wedding

Keeping and caring for a dog as a couple can be a perfect way to reinforce their bond and prepare for starting a family. Some people refer to their dog as their firstborn child. Every dog has its distinct personality, which may or may not reflect the breed's characteristics. Doing your research before choosing your dream puppy will also help you find out which breed is the best match for you.


Aww, What A Cute Pup!

Since your dog is a big part of your life, you dedicate a lot of love, time, money, and patience to your dog, I would love to have your dogs be a part of your special day. My entire life seems to revolve around my two dogs at times, and I love it! Dogs are close friends to people, so it's only normal that you'd want to have them on one of your most important days.

So, before I give you ways to include your dog on your wedding day, I list down some of the reasons why you should feature your dog at your wedding. We know you'd love to have your adorable best friend be a part of your special day!

·         Your dog plays a significant role in your wedding.

·         Your dog will brighten your day.

·         Your dog is a stress reliever for all.

·         Your dog would make your guests happy. 

·         Your dog's best day is indeed your best day.

·         Your dog takes excellent photographs which can be used in family portraits.


The best reason for your dog to have in your wedding is... they're ADORABLE!


Dogs And Weddings… A Lifetime Memories

What is the right way for me to include my dog in my wedding plans? We get this question a lot, so today I'm going to share some creative ideas for getting your best friend pup at your wedding. Don't forget to check with your venue to see if they have any rules on pets on the premises. Even if your good ‘Lil homie is unable to attend the ceremony, there are still many ways to involve him in the celebrations!

Here are a few creative ways to involve your pet in the wedding:

Walk Your Dog Down The Aisle -

Have Them At The Ceremony. To include your dog at the ceremony, the pup may do some participation such as;

·         to escort an important person, whether it's a member of the bridal party, the couple's parents, or even the bride and groom.

·         to escort the Best Man or Maid of Honor down the aisle.

·         by making them your flower girl or ring bearer.

·         to incorporate them into the vows and keep them on stage.

Have Them As Your Entertainer -

We guarantee big smiles before the night even starts if your pups are the first thing your guests see when they arrive! Bring your dog to the reception. It adds a touch of charm and is a lot of fun for your guests. Having your dog attend your wedding would certainly be a memorable occasion, for both the bride and groom as well as your guests. At the reception, your guests will enjoy the chance to play with your dog, and you might even be able to slip him a slice of wedding cake.

Bring Them Along In Portrait Shots -

You will have the most adorable wedding album and unforgettable memories if you include your dog in your wedding photos. Your dog may not be able to stay the whole day, but you can arrange for others to bring them so they can participate in the photos. This is a sweet addition to your wedding memories that you'll treasure forever.

Check the venue if it is a pet-friendly place. Dogs will not be permitted if the ceremony is held in a church or temple. Many event venues, particularly those that are outdoors, welcome canine guests. Also, make sure all vendors you've hired are aware of your plans.

Wedding Pet Attendants may also be required to provide full dog handling and assistance during your wedding, including on-leash walking, hydrating, and pottying. Don't expect yourself, your almost-spouse, your friends, or someone with a second job to juggle dog duty. A family member, or professional pet sitter for the day should be included in the wedding plans to keep your dog relaxed, active, conditioned, and properly focused for the big day.


If your venue is not dog friendly there are still ways for them to be involved;

Have Them In Your Engagement Session -

Include your dog in your engagement photoshoot to celebrate your good news. Posing for your dog can be done in a variety of ways.  Get a shot of you all walking down the beach from afar, or some nice candid shots. The images can then be used to declare your engagement or to create personalized save-the-dates and the presence of your dog will make them even more intimate and enjoyable. Set out pictures from your engagement session with them, and walk down the aisle with a cardboard cutout of your puppy.

Create A Signature Cocktail For Them -

Have a mixed drink named after them and a Doggie Beer tag with a "toast" from your dog buddy. Everyone at your wedding is smiling, mingling, and joking and they're all sipping a signature wedding cocktail named after your dog. Make your pet feel special on your special day, and let your guests join in the fun.

Use Them As Reception Decorations -

Make them greet guests at the ceremony with a welcome sign or have them grace the table numbers. Get personalized napkins with their picture on them, decorate your reception area with a couple of candid images of your dog, and a  cutout of your beloved is the perfect photo booth decoration.

Print Them On Stationery -

Your dog will likely be unable to attend your wedding. Instead, why don't you let them be the ones to break the news? Create a picture of your dog and use it in several ways during your wedding, from the 'Save the Dates' to the invites and the cocktail menu sign on the big day. Print Them On Stationery!

Feature Them On Your Cake And Desserts -

Let your dog take center stage by including them in the cake topper. This will not only give your sweet cake a personal touch, but it will also allow you to show off your best dog at your wedding. Place an order for some cute custom-printed candy bags if you have a doggy bag full of dog treats, guests would love it for sure!

Favor For A Charitable Cause -

Your wedding gifts may be a donation to a local dog charity in your guests' names, which is a sweet way to honor your best companion on your wedding day. It's a sweet gesture that your visitors and the dogs would appreciate.


Be With Us, Pup Memories!

Pup fam, hooray!!  

Do you feel inspired? Do you want your dog to be there on the big day? If your dog is physically present on your wedding day or not, there are several ways to include them. Which one would you pick for your canine companion?

Tell me,  do you include your dog in your daily routine? If that's the case, I’d love to hear more! Let us know what kind of dog you have and how he or she will be involved in your wedding, follow me on Instagram. Let's create pup memories!

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with Heck Designs and Photography.