7 Tips To Create a Registry You’re Happy With

Tips for creating your wedding registry in Nashville

Wedding gifts may be an optional gesture to your guests, but they’ve been part of the wedding tradition that you’d definitely expect to receive some from them anyway. Having a wedding registry just makes things easier for them. It lets them know what will be useful for you as the happy couple entering this new stage in life. 

But putting one together might be tricky.

For one, it’s hard to determine exactly what you want from what you need. Another point to consider is that not everyone has the same budget. With all factors considered, here are 7 useful tips to create a registry you’d both be happy with.

7 Tips to Create the Perfect Wedding Registry

ONE: Make a List of Items You Both Need

You and your future spouse definitely have things in mind where one of you will get more use of than the other. But as a soon-to-be married couple, there are indisputable must-haves that both of you would get equal use out of. 

Here are a couple of common items under this that come to mind:

  • Bed sheets and pillow cases

  • Trash cans

  • Decorative items

  • Plates, glasses, or silverware

  • Towels

Prioritize items like these first and identify the items that you’d each want that you think would make each other happy.

TWO: Register for Items with Varying Price Points

Considering that guests have their own set budget, it would be helpful if you gave options in your registry that some guests can afford. You can also throw in items that you know they can find alternatives elsewhere for a much lower price.

THREE: Don’t Feel Ashamed of Throwing in a Few Expensive Items

Having a few items that are a bit pricey doesn’t make you an inconsiderate person! It’s not wrong to know what you want, and it’s not like you’re pressuring guests to get these items. If there’s something on there with a relatively high price tag that would absolutely benefit you both, you can inform guests that they can go in together on these presents.

FOUR: Pick Out Quality Items

It’s one thing to be considerate, but there is such a thing as being “too nice.” You can’t have all items in your registry be at a low price point if you know that the quality won’t be worth it in the long run. Make sure that some items you suggest are things you can use for a long time without having to buy again in a few years.

FIVE: Avoid Registering for Items You Know You Won’t Use

Really think and plan the things that you need long term. You don’t need to fill your home with items that have no business being there. For example, if both of you are not really into spending time in the kitchen, then there’s no point in registering for appliances you know you’ll never touch. 

Also, avoid ordering similar items where you know you’d get the most use of out of one and just store the other. A great example is usually kitchen items. If you were registering for fine dining plates and everyday plates, you might want to keep one or the other.  

SIX: Consider Your Storage Space

When you register for items, make sure you actually have the room to store it in your new home. Some items can take up more than it should, so make sure you specify sizes as well as know where they could potentially go. Just like the last tip said, do not register for items that will just collect dust. Make like Marie Kondo and only own items that you know will spark joy.

SEVEN: Register for Non-Household Items Too

The items you register for don’t have to be something you keep inside. You can register or experience items that will bring life moments full circle. 

Here are some practical wedding registry items that you would love:

  • Suitcases for travel

  • Camping tents

  • Travel kits

  • Grill

  • Charity Gift Cards

At the end of the day, the saying “it’s the thought that counts” will never lose its value. Gifts of any form is something every couple has to be thankful for no matter what. It’s the love and the company of good people that makes everything feel special.

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